Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Strengthening Marriages and Families Through Prayer and Fasting

In a world where marriages are increasingly facing challenges and families are crumbling under the weight of various issues, the importance of seeking divine intervention cannot be overstated. Recognizing this pressing need, the Disciples’ Network embarked on a transformative journey of three days of fasting and prayers dedicated to marriages, families, and relationships.

Commencing from February 12th to February 14th, 2024, this sacred endeavor aimed to address the root causes of societal ills by focusing on the cornerstone of communities and nations: the institution of marriage. It is a widely held belief that the health of marriage directly impacts the well-being of families, which in turn reverberates throughout society. Therefore, the initiative sought to invoke God’s healing and deliverance upon marriages and families, understanding that their restoration would bring broader society transformation.

Ephesians 5:22-29, which illuminates the symbiotic relationship between Christ and his church, the ministry advocates for marriages founded on genuine love, mutual respect, and unwavering commitment. By aligning marital bonds with the divine example set forth by Jesus Christ, the aim is to cultivate marriages that are resilient, enduring, and firmly rooted in Christ’s love.

God’s Manifestation after the prayers and intercession

The impact of this dedicated time of fasting and prayer has been nothing short of miraculous. Testimonies abound of marriages being healed, divorces averted, and joy restored among spouses. Moreover, couples grappling with infertility and impotence have found solace in the divine intervention. They  experiencing newfound hope and blessings beyond measure.

These tangible manifestations of God’s grace serve as powerful testimonies to the fervent prayer and unwavering faith. As the Disciples’ Network Ministry continues to fervently intercede on behalf of marriages and families, there is an unwavering belief that God will continue to perform miracles and bring about profound transformation in the lives of spouses and families.